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Freshwater Fish Species in Madeira River [West Brazil]

The tables below were generated from - A project to provide indexing and links for all known species as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.
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Fish Species in Madeira

[No. of Species listed in]
Species Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic level Status
Acestrorhynchus abbreviatus Acestrorhynchidae benthopelagic 27 TL 3.8 native
Acestrorhynchus isalineae Acestrorhynchidae benthopelagic 13 TL 3.0 native
Astroblepus frenatus Astroblepidae demersal 6 TL 3.0 native
Astyanacinus multidens Characidae benthopelagic 14 TL 3.0 native
Attonitus bounites Characidae pelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Axelrodia lindeae Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Axelrodia stigmatias Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Bathycetopsis oliveirai Cetopsidae demersal 5 TL 3.3 native
Belonion apodion Belonidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.3 native
Caquetaia spectabilis Cichlidae benthopelagic 21 TL 3.1 native
Carnegiella marthae Gasteropelecidae pelagic 4 TL 3.2 native
Charax caudimaculatus Characidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.9 native
Corydoras similis Callichthyidae demersal 5 TL 3.0 native
Creagrutus anary Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.0 native
Crenicichla isbrueckeri Cichlidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Crenicichla marmorata Cichlidae benthopelagic 35 TL 3.1 native
Crenicichla pellegrini Cichlidae benthopelagic 20 TL 3.2 native
Curimatella immaculata Curimatidae benthopelagic 12 TL 2.3 native
Curimatella meyeri Curimatidae benthopelagic 20 TL   native
Cynopotamus gouldingi Characidae benthopelagic 21 TL 3.0 native
Elachocharax junki Crenuchidae pelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Farlowella smithi Loricariidae demersal 13 TL 2.6 native
Fluviphylax pygmaeus Poeciliidae benthopelagic 3 TL 2.9 native
Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Loricariidae demersal 50 TL 2.0 native
Glyptoperichthys lituratus Loricariidae demersal 46 TL 2.0 native
Helogenes gouldingi Cetopsidae demersal 6 TL 3.2 native
Hemigrammus melanochrous Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus atranalis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus gracilis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.9 native
Hemiodus microlepis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus semitaeniatus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.9 native
Hoplosternum littorale Callichthyidae demersal 20 TL 2.7 native
Hyphessobrycon agulha Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 2.9 native
Hyphessobrycon hasemani Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Iguanodectes geisleri Characidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.2 native
Iguanodectes polylepis Characidae benthopelagic 11 TL 3.2 native
Iguanodectes purusi Characidae benthopelagic 10 TL 3.0 native
Imparfinis stictonotus Heptapteridae demersal 12 TL 3.2 native
Inpaichthys kerri Characidae pelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Knodus smithi Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Lasiancistrus scolymus Loricariidae demersal 18 TL   native
Lepthoplosternum beni Callichthyidae demersal 7 TL 3.0 native
Liposarcus disjunctivus Loricariidae demersal 44 TL 2.1 native
Megalocentor echthrus Trichomycteridae benthopelagic 11 TL 3.2 native
Micromischodus sugillatus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 21 TL 3.0 native
Microschemobrycon casiquiare Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Nannostomus digrammus Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.1 native
Parecbasis cyclolepis Characidae pelagic 10 TL 3.0 native
Peckoltia vittata Loricariidae demersal 14 TL 2.0 native
Petitella georgiae Characidae pelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Phenacorhamdia boliviana Heptapteridae demersal 11 TL 3.2 native
Piabucus melanostomus Characidae benthopelagic 13 TL 3.0 native
Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni Belonidae pelagic 28 TL 3.6 native
Prochilodus nigricans Prochilodontidae benthopelagic 37 TL 2.0 native
Pseudorinelepis genibarbis Loricariidae benthopelagic 44 TL 2.7 native
Roestes molossus Cynodontidae benthopelagic 24 TL 3.0 native
Serrasalmus compressus Characidae benthopelagic 24 TL 3.5 native
Serrasalmus hollandi Characidae benthopelagic 23 TL 4.1 native
Sorubim maniradii Pimelodidae demersal 0 TL   native
Steindachnerina bimaculata Curimatidae benthopelagic 17 TL 2.5 native
Stethaprion crenatum Characidae benthopelagic 11 TL 3.2 native
Utiaritichthys longidorsalis Characidae benthopelagic 25 TL 3.3 native
Utiaritichthys sennaebragai Characidae benthopelagic 25 TL 3.3 native
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Page generated June 30, 2003 from Page created by: Jen, 15.11.01, last modified by Jen, 20.09.02.

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The copy for was written in 1994-1995. Therefore some information such as scientific names may be out of date. For this, I apologize. Feel free to send corrections to me.