Porthole Catfish | Dianema longibarbus

Catfish / Doradidae / Porthole Catfish

Profile: Porthole Catfish
Dianema longibarbus
SYN: Callichthys adspersus, Decapogon adspersus
PD: An elongated, stout species with a flat belly profile. The back is light brown as are the flanks, and the belly is brownish white. The body is marked irregularly with dark brown spots. The rays of the fins are light brown.
SIZE: To 4" (10 cm)
SS: Flagtail Porthole Catfish (D. urostriatum) of the Rio Negro near Manaus, is seasonally imported. This species has yet to be bred in captivity and reaches 4.7" (12 cm) in length. This species requires soft, acidic water.
H: South America; widespread in still and slow-moving waters of the Peruvian Amazon.
A: bottom, middle
TANK: A 30" (76 cm) or 25-30 gallon (98-114 L) tank is sufficient. The tank should have strong filtration that creates little or no current. The tank should have a sand or fine gravel substrate. Provide hiding places among rocks, roots, and plants. A cover of floating plants make this species more comfortable.""
WATER: pH 5.5-7.5 (6.7), 2-20 dH (8), 72-81°F (22-27°C)
SB: This mild-mannered, schooling species should be kept in groups exceeding four. An ideal candidate for a community tank containing fish that are not too aggressive. Usually nocturnal, although after acclimation, may become day-active.
SB: Discus, Angelfish, Apistogramma, tetras, gouramis
FOOD: Live; worms, insect larvae, crustaceans; tablets.
SC: Difficult to distinguish. Gravid females are plumper and mature males have more elongated pectoral fins.
B: One male and two to three females should be placed in a spawning tank. The spawning tank should have no water current and a cover of floating plants. Condition the fish with insect larvae and crustaceans. An increase in water temperature may help initiate spawning. After the male constructs a bubble nest at the surface, he begins courtship. Each ripe female lays 200-500 yellow eggs. After spawning, the females should be removed. The nest is guarded by the male until the fry hatch. Start feeding with Artemia nauplii and other small live foods."
BP: 9. The Porthole Catfish is a challenge to breed.
R: This species frequently surfaces to gulp air.
DC: 4. This peaceful species can live over ten years in a well-maintained tank.