Mono | Monodactylus argenteus

Perches / Monodactylidae / Mono

Profile: Mono, Fingerfish, False Angelfish, Malaysian Angelfish, Silver Mono
Monodactylus argenteus Synonyms: Acanthopodus argenteus, Centogaster rhombeus, Centropodus rhombeus, Chaetodon argenteus, Monodactylus rhombeus, Psettus argenteus, P. rhombeus
Physical description: A tall, disc-shaped fish with lateral compression. The head is small, as is the mouth. The eyes are large and have a black band running through them. The dorsal and anal fins are almost opposite one other and the edge of the caudal fin is straight. The body is silver to white in color while the dorsal and caudal fins are green to orange to yellow. The front edge of the anal fin is black. Young often have a black line running across the gill cover connecting with the black of the anal fin.
Size/Length: To 10" (25 cm)
Similar species: Other Monodactylus species.
Habitat: In coastal lakes, estuaries, rivers, and lagoons in fresh, brackish, and sea water. Red Sea, Southeast Asia, Australia, East African Coast. Occasionally inhabits salt water reefs.
S: all
Aquarium: A tank measuring 36" (91 cm) with a capacity from 35-45 gallons (132-170 L) is sufficient for a single school. Large tanks are recommended. Use a tank with good aeration and plenty of hiding places. Plants tolerant of brackish water may be used, although the Mono may nibble on their leaves. Use a substrate of fine gravel, or preferably coral sand. Use an efficient filter for this greedy eater.
Water chemistry: pH 7-8.5 (7.2), 8-20 dH (10), 75-82°F (24-28°C). A 1-2% addition of salt is suggested. Add 7.5-15 TSP of salt per 10 gallons (10-20 g/10 L).
Social behavior: The Mono can be combined with other large, hardy brackish water species. Small fish may be eaten. Monos are timid and easily frightened, and should not be combined with substantially larger fish. A schooling fish by nature that should be kept in groups of at least five.
Suggested companions: Scats, Archerfish, Puffers, Arius
FOOD: Live; small fish, small crabs, shrimp, worms, insect larvae; pellets; peas; lettuce; spinach; flakes; plant debris.
Sexual differences: Too difficult to distinguish.
Breeding techniques: Unsuccessful in captivity
Breeding potential: 10. No reports of captive spawnings.
Remarks: Young can be kept in freshwater, but prefer brackish. As they grow, more salt should be added since adults do best in pure salt water. Young have better colors, which fade with age.
Difficulty of care: 7. This brackish water species requires frequent partial water changes and live foods.