Baby Whale | Pollimyrus isidori

Others / Mormyridae / Baby Whale

Profile: Baby Whale
Pollimyrus isidori Synonyms: Mormyrus isidori
Physical description: A bullet-shaped species with strong lateral compression and a long, slender caudal peduncle. The head and snout are rounded and the mouth is small. The anal and dorsal fins are located far back on the body and are opposite one another. The body color is light gray to gray-brown and can be speckled with small dark spots. The fins are brown and the caudal fin is forked. A faint red stripe extends from the caudal penacle to the gill cover.
Size/Length: To 6" (15 cm) in nature, although rarely larger than 3.5" (9 cm) in captivity.
Similar species: Marcusenius species, Hippopotamyrus species, Petrocephalus species, and other Pollimyrus species.
Habitat: Africa; Lower Nile, Upper Zambezi
S: bottom, middle
Aquarium: A 28" (71 cm) or 20-25 gallon (76-95 L) tank is sufficient. Follow suggestions for G. petersii.
Water chemistry: pH 6-8 (7.5), 4-18 dH (10), 77-84°F (25-29°C)
Social behavior: A peaceful, schooling fish recommended for a community tank. This species should be kept singly or in groups of five or more. It is important to provide a retreat for each fish. Larger Mormyrids tends to harass this gentle, but territorial species. A nocturnal species.
Suggested companions: See M. macrolepidotus.
FOOD: Live; Tubifex, other worms, insect larvae, Artemia; occasionally flakes. Feed after the lights are off.
Sexual differences: Unknown
Breeding techniques: Unknown
Breeding potential: 10. Breeding has not been successful.
REMARKS: An easy fish to keep, although it is sometimes intolerant of unfavorable water conditions.
Difficulty of care: 5. This interesting species requires a diet of live foods.