Daffodil Brichardi | Neolamprologus pulcher

Cichlids / Africa / Lake Tanganyika / Brichardi

Profile: Daffodil Brichardi
Neolamprologus pulcher Synonyms: Lamprologus sp. "daffodil", Neolamprologus sp. "daffodil"
Physical description: An elongated fish with a characteristic "lyretail." The tips of the caudal fin are exceptionally long. The body color is a creamy-white to yellow. Faint yellow, dotted lines runs the length of the body. The fins have violet-blue tips. The eye develops a bright blue iris when good water maintenance is provided. At the base of the pectoral fin is a yellow splotch. The eye has a bright yellow circle around it and an iridescent, violet crescent is located just below that. The gill behind the eye and its markings is a short, dark transverse marking, followed by an iridescent violet line, and followed by another dark marking. One the second dark marking is a small bright blue spot. Just beyond these markings is a light blue areas that fades as it nears the middle part of the body. The dorsal fin may have a yellow edge.
Size/Length: To 4" (10 cm)
Similar species: Brichardi (N. brichardi)
Habitat: Eastern Africa; planted areas of Lake Tanganyika.
S: bottom, middle
Aquarium: 30" (75 cm) tank with a volume of 20-25 gallons (75-98 L). This species differs from N. brichardi by living in planted areas. Thus, the tank should be heavily planted with robust plants that can tolerate harder water. The lighting should be dimmed by a cover of floating plants. The substrate should be fine gravel with coral sand. Rock structures, including caves, should be constructed in the back of the tank. Leave some open swimming areas.
Water chemistry: pH 7.2-8.5 (7.7), 8-25 dH (12), 75-81°F (24-27°C).
Social behavior: A timid, peaceful fish that can be combined with other Lake Tanganyika species. Follow the guidelines for N. brichardi .
Suggested companions: See N. brichardi.
FOOD: Live; crustaceans, insect larvae, aquatic insects; flakes; pellets.
Sexual differences: The males are smaller and more colorful.
Breeding techniques: Use a species tank with coarse gravel. The tank should be set-up as described in the "Tank" set-up. Use water with a pH from 7.5-8.0, a water hardness from 10-15 dH, and a temperature from 79-84 F (26-29 C). As many as 150 eggs are laid. Follow suggestions for N. brichardi.
Breeding potential: 6. Breeding is moderately difficult.
Remarks: This fish was thught to be a color morph or sub-species of N. brichardi, though now it is considered a distinct species.
Difficulty of care: 5. This shy fish's diet should include live foods.